en Language FlagPoland's support for Ukraine

jestem dziś dumna z bycia Polką

Since Russian attack on Ukraine, already 672,000 people fleeing the war entered Poland from Ukraine (as of March 4, at 07.00). Every day about 100,000 people seek refuge in Poland.

The situation on the Polish-Ukrainian border is stable, both at border crossings and at the so-called green border.

The Polish Border Guard is fully prepared for the development of the situation. Poland accepts all refugees, regardless of having documents. Poland said that is helping everyone and will not leave anyone without assistance. All Polish services work together to this goal.

Poland’s humanitarian aid for Ukraine and the refugees fleeing war

Poland has activated the humanitarian aid coordination mechanism in connection with Russia’s attack on Ukraine. Support will be provided by the Government Strategic Reserves Agency and other state institutions, as well as by local government, social and private funds.

On Monday (28.02) a large hub for humanitarian aid, run by the Governmental Strategic Reserves Agency, started operating near Lublin. All aid intended for Ukraine will go through this hub.

Aid will be offered to persons residing in the territory of Ukraine, as well as to Ukrainian citizens who are already in the territory of Poland.

All people fleeing from Ukraine who do not have a place of stay (accommodation) in Poland, can go to designated reception points. There, they will receive information about their stay in Poland, meals, basic medical care, a place to rest and will be provided with temporary accommodation. Everyone has access to free medical care and the Polish health service.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Chancellery of the Prime Minister coordinate all aid efforts offered to Ukraine.

Many Polish people became involved in grassroots aid actions – they try to organize trips to Ukraine and want to provide aid to our neighbors on the other side of the border. However, the Polish government urges that, due to the situation at the border, all aid efforts taken should be coordinated and go through official channels established by the authorities. At the moment, the priority of the border guard is to support people fleeing war in Ukraine. Additional heavy traffic at Polish-Ukrainian border increases the queues at border crossings.

Medical train for Ukraine

.A special medical train prepared for transport of wounded from Ukraine left Warsaw for the first time on Saturday (February 26). Some of the train cars contained humanitarian aid, which was transferred to the Lviv region. The rest of the train consists of hospital carriages which have been tested on the route between Warsaw and Medyka. On Sunday, the train brought 600 women and children from Ukraine. Some of them got off in Przemyśl and Lublin, and some in the afternoon came to Warsaw.

The personnel of the medical train prepared to transport the wounded from Ukraine are medics from the Central Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Interior and Administration and paramedics from the services of the Minister of Internal Affairs, i.e. Police and Fire Brigade officers.

Legalization of the stay of refugees from Ukraine

All people fleeing from Ukraine because of the armed conflict instigated by Russia do not have to register at reception points or worry about formalities.

All people fleeing Ukraine looking for refuge in Poland do not have to worry about the legality of their stay. In the coming days, it is also not necessary to submit any applications to the Office for Foreigners / voivodeship offices / Border Guard posts. The same applies to Ukrainian citizens who are in Poland and their residence permits have expired.

Ukrainian citizens residing in Poland do not have to leave the country in the case of expiry of the residence permits. They also do not have to worry about the legality of their further stay. Up-to-date information for Ukrainian citizens is available at ua.gov.pl.

Additional information:

Ø  https://www.gov.pl/web/primeminister/minister-michal-dworczyk-large-hub-for-humanitarian-aid-will-be-opened-near-lublin-on-monday

Ø  https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina-en

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