The Night of Martial Law
Forty-one years ago, the Communist junta brought tanks onto the streets of Poland. Today we are restoring dignity to the victims and sending a clear message to the criminals: you cannot sleep peacefully.
Forty-one years ago, the Communist junta brought tanks onto the streets of Poland. Today we are restoring dignity to the victims and sending a clear message to the criminals: you cannot sleep peacefully.
The common view that Ultra shaved two years off the war is hard to sustain, but it did save the allies months in time and hundreds of thousands of liv...
The effects of World War II – demographic, economic, infrastructural, scientific, educational and cultural – are felt by Poles until today.
“[...] there are no more occupiers. We’re our own masters and hosts,” rejoiced Warsaw politician and columnist Ignacy Baliński in November 1918.
It was only with the COVID-19 pandemic that many of us became aware of this.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has been full of painful resonances.
The outbreak of the Second World War, which began on 1 September 1939 with the invasion of Poland by the Nazi Third Reich, is one of the events annual...
There is no room for symbols marked with the red star in public space in free, independent and democratic Poland, nor in free Europe.
There is no grain of truth in the accusations aimed at Poland that its cooperation with Hitler led to the outbreak of World War II.
Rzeczpospolita, so pompously celebrating the centenary of its rebirth last year, has many reasons to be proud.