en Language FlagMateusz MORAWIECKI in Kyiv. Full text of the PM address

Mateusz Morawiecki w Kijowie

If Europe thinks it will remain the same if Ukraine is lost, then it is deeply mistaken. Such a Europe would be a symbol of failure, of weakness and submission. That is why we cannot let it happen. – so Mateusz MORAWIECKI declared in Kyiv on 15 March 2022.

We have published the full text of PM Mateusz MORAWIECKI address in Kyiv below:

To begin, I would like to thank my dear friend Janez Janša, who came up with the idea of this important trip. He inspired us and he is, one might say, the godfather of this event. Thank you very much, Janez.

Secondly, I should also mention that I talked about this visit to Kyiv to the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen and to Charles Michel, President of the European Council, and they both showed great understanding. They know perfectly well that what our Ukrainian neighbours and friends need now is not just moral support but also very tangible aid.

During our working session, I shared with the Prime Minister some details on those parts of the EU budget (amounting to over EUR 2 billion) that will, and already are, providing humanitarian assistance and all other forms of help for Ukraine.

One thing that needs to be emphasised is that for the last 20 days Kyiv has not only been defending itself, but also our basic European values. I look deep into the eyes of all European leaders. Yes, today Kyiv is on the frontline of the war to protect our most important European values, i.e. liberty, independence, freedom of choice for individuals and democracy. For the last 20 days Kyiv has laid itself on the line for these very values. We want to appeal to the conscience of all Europeans, of all people of good will around the world, to public opinion in Western Europe and throughout the entire European Union.

Today, Ukraine safeguards the basic European values. Who would have thought 20 days ago that Kyiv and the Ukrainian nation as a whole would be fighting with such immense courage for every inch of its land, every human being, every street, every kindergarten and school! This barbaric Russian invasion is not just a military attack against another army on a front line. There are many front lines now. This is an assault against women and children. Over a hundred children have been brutally murdered here in Ukraine.

If Europe thinks it will remain the same if Ukraine is lost, then the people who think this way, my dear Europeans, are deeply mistaken. Such a Europe would be a symbol of failure, of weakness and of submission. That is why we, together, simply cannot let it happen.

The humanitarian duty we are now performing and receiving gratitude for, is a fundamental duty. However, this is just the beginning. Indeed, we must do much more. We must shore up this nation’s defence, we must help Ukraine defend itself so that Europe keeps its soul, so that Europe maintains its identity.

We talked a great deal about sanctions, Denis mentioned them and so did President Zelensky.

I hear some argue in Europe that this conflict poses a threat to the comfort zone in which the European Union exists. But, what is this comfort zone, dear citizens of Europe, dear friends from Spain, France, Austria or Italy? Is your comfort more important than the tears and blood of children here, in the heart of Ukraine? I imagine not. I hope that you still have your hearts and your conscience with which to judge such things.

I am not going to mention any names here, because I don’t know if the individuals concerned would like them be mentioned, but two interesting opinions were raised by my colleagues in the European Council meeting. The first is that it would probably be better to put on a warm jumper, metaphorically speaking, and to cut the Russians off from their oxygen supply, i.e. their revenues from oil and gas. I imagine that  would be a better solution all round. The second idea forwarded was that when it came to sanctions there are not and there should not be any red lines that cannot be crossed. In other words, sanctions should be as far-reaching as possible. We have already talked a lot about them today.

Putin must know and must learn a simple truth, which he has apparently forgotten, namely that tyrants perish and evil passes. The future cannot be built on evil. Freedom and truth, goodness and justice are immortal.

We are all helping our Ukrainian neighbours in their fight to preserve the highest and loftiest values. These are human and spiritual values that make us good, fair and righteous people. I wish to thank the incredibly brave Ukrainian solders, thank all those who stand up, weapons in hand, and fight in this uneven struggle. And we will make our own contribution to this lopsided struggle both here, today in Kyiv, and elsewhere to ensure that Ukraine receives the support it needs to win. To ensure that freedom and the future of Europe emerge victorious.

Mateusz Morawiecki

Kyiv, 15 March 2022

This content is protected by copyright. Any further distribution without the authors permission is forbidden. 16/03/2022