Podcast #WspólnyŚwiat. Eric REIDY: The securitisation of Europe's borders

The securitisation of Europe's borders

Photo of Mateusz M. KRAWCZYK


Managing editor of "Wszystko Co Najważniejsze", PhD candidate in the field of political science and administration. A graduate of the Academy of Young Diplomats EAD. A scholarship holder of the Casimir Pulaski Foundation. Volunteer of the MFA program "Polish Aid Volunteering 2019".

Ryc. Fabien Clairefond

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Photo of Eric REIDY


Award-winning journalist and a staff editor and reporter for The New Humanitarian.

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The largest number of migrants from Africa and Asia fleeing to Europe are leaving from Libya. Eric REIDY and Mateusz M. KRAWCZYK discuss the migration policies of the European Union and Libya, showing how the authorities are working together to suppress migration.

.As Libya is the easiest place to cross the Mediterranean, migrants from all over Africa, as well as from Asia, are heading to Europe from its bays. Refugees come from the Sahel region, Eritrea, Bangladesh, Syria, Tunisia or Algeria, among others. Libyans themselves are also migrating, fleeing the political chaos and economic situation in the country.

For a long time, the dominant narrative in the European Union […] was that we were not in a position to take in such large numbers of refugees. Despite this, we recently took in around 5 million Ukrainians in a short period of time. […] This turned the question of Europe’s 'capacity’ on its head. This is where the securitisation argument came in. Border security arguments in Europe and America have often targeted migrants who are of a different religion, nationality or race. This is linked to racist and Islamophobic narratives,” – says Eric REIDY.

Wszystko co Najważniejsze | Wspólny Świat  www.wszystkoconajwazniejsze.pl/wspolny-swiat

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The Common World (pl. Wspólny Świat) podcast is a continuation of the newsletter. Each week, Mateusz M. KRAWCZYK leans into the most important developments related to humanitarian and development challenges, forced migration, climate change, natural disasters, the consequences of armed conflict and global education.

This content is protected by copyright. Any further distribution without the authors permission is forbidden. 23/11/2022
Albert Gea / Reuters / Forum