Prof. Paweł ŚNIATAŁA: Why is it worth to study in Poland?

Why is it worth to study in Poland?

Photo of Prof. Paweł ŚNIATAŁA

Prof. Paweł ŚNIATAŁA

Vice-Rector of the Poznan University of Technology.

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.Poland is becoming increasingly popular among international students as a remarkable option for pursuing education at a European and global level due to its relatively low costs for both studying and living.

Why is it worth to study in Poland? The reasons are plenty. Compared to other countries, Poland has a very good ratio of price (i.e. the cost of studying and living) to the quality of education, lifestyle and housing. According to the OECD, Poland is one of the safest countries in the world, which is undoubtedly an important consideration for foreign students and their parents. In addition, the quality of education is on a par with foreign universities, sometimes even better. Not only do we have superbly equipped laboratories, built in collaboration with the technology giants, but we also know how to quickly adapt our educational offer to the rapidly changing demands of today’s world. I see this primarily in computer science, which is close to my research interests, especially in the currently fashionable fields of artificial intelligence or cybersecurity. Polish researchers in this field are among the world leaders. The Poznan University of Technology opened the first master’s programme in artificial intelligence in Poland, and our professors are some of the most cited authors in the field.

.There are indeed many reasons why we are valued by international undergraduate and doctoral students, whose numbers have doubled in four years. In addition, Poznan itself has a unique academic charm – situated halfway between Berlin and Warsaw, it offers easy access to fascinating destinations within Poland and Europe.

Paweł Śniatała

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