Polish experience of systemic transformation. Has it really been successful?
For fifteen years, an original section of the Gdańsk Shipyard wall has been adjacent to the wall of the Reichstag, the seat of the German parliament. The bilingual inscription on the plaque attached to it reminds us of what is obvious to us Poles, but still has not taken root in the public consciousness everywhere in the world – the role played by Poland’s “Solidarity” in the struggle for freedom and democracy – in the entire bloc of Central and Eastern European countries.
Prof. Arkady RZEGOCKI
Countess Markievicz unites the Polish, Irish and Ukrainian people
Constance Markievicz continues to inspire and strengthen the bonds between Ireland, Poland and Ukraine even today. We can see it for ourselves by visiting an extraordinary exhibition of photos taken by Contance with her small portable camera in 1902-1903. In the sepia-toned old photographs shown publicly for the first time at the Polish House, a Georgian tenement house at 20 Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin, the people and the nature come alive in the ways that are amazingly fresh and modern.
Smart Food trend in Wrocław – we are becoming more mindful eaters with each passing year.
The Smart Food trend is becoming popular in Wrocław, particularly in the innovative Wrocław Technology Park (WPT). It is home to many companies and start-ups working at the intersection of science and food technology, driving the development of novel solutions in the industry. Offering specialised facilities, infrastructure and support, WPT is recognised as one of Poland’s most important innovation support centres, specifically focused on food-related research and technology development.
Ks. prof. Piotr MAZURKIEWICZ
L’Église en Pologne a-t-elle besoin de saints « désobéissants » ?
Le Père Jerzy était un exemple d’homme qui fait ce qu’il faut faire à un moment donné. Même quand il faut donner pour cela sa vie. La dernière fois que je l’ai rencontré, il avait conscience qu’il allait bientôt mourir, que l’étau se resserrait. Cependant, il était intérieurement un homme libre.
How do you reduce the risk of innovative investments and get funding for your business?
The main challenge facing entrepreneurs today is how to reduce the risks associated with investing in innovative solutions and get the right type of funding. Innovative projects are inherently riskier than traditional investments, but there are a number of proven strategies that can help minimise this risk and facilitate the process of raising finance.
Wrocław is prepared for the flood, but prepared does not mean safe
Wrocław is prepared for the flood, but of course prepared does not mean safe. It is important to remember that we are dealing with powerful forces of nature and disasters of this kind tend to be unpredictable.
Une nouvelle stratégie pour les temps difficiles
L’Europe d’aujourd’hui est tombée dans un piège que j’appelle la « trinité impossible », ce qui renvoie au concept connu dans le monde de l’économie, selon lequel il est impossible de parvenir simultanément à un taux de change stable, une politique monétaire indépendante et la libre circulation des capitaux.
A New Strategy for Difficult Times
Europe today has fallen into what I call the ‘impossible trinity’ trap, a concept borrowed from economics that asserts a fixed currency exchange rate, independent monetary policy and free capital flow cannot all be achieved simultaneously.
Technology Parks Are Crucial for Innovative Businesses to Thrive
The Wrocław Technology Park, with its comprehensive support for progressive companies, serves as a shining example of the synergy between business and science.
Agnieszka PAWNIK
Life of a Samurai Metaphor – The Turbulent History of the Japanese Garden in Wrocław
Stones, water and plants – everything in a Japanese garden is meticulously arranged, with each element contributing to a perfectly composed whole that evolves with the seasons, weather and even the perspective of the viewer, whether sitting, standing or walking. There are few Japanese gardens in Poland, but the most famous and distinctive one in Europe is located in Szczytnicki Park in Wrocław.
Jolanta PAWNIK
Wrocław – Hanna and Ludwik Hirszfeld’s Great Love
He has discovered blood groups and serological conflict and was nominated for the Nobel Prize. She was an innovator in post-war paediatrics. Shortly after the Second World War, they committed their lives to Wrocław, contributing significantly to the development of Polish medicine and science.
Pomerania remembers
The German executioners did everything they could to wipe out the traces of their crimes in the Valley of Death at Chojnice. Many years later, we have unearthed the remains of the victims from unmarked pits and are now giving them a respectful burial.
Władysław Teofil BARTOSZEWSKI
On the brink of 1939 once again
‘If we let Putin win the war in Ukraine, we let him cross the Rubicon. In a few years it will lead to war with one or more NATO members and a conflict in the Far East’, says Władysław Teofil Bartoszewski.
Wroclaw – A city of contrasts that attracts Ukrainians
Wroclaw is likely one of Poland’s most appealing cities for migrants, writes Oleksandr MARTYNIUK
Le flanc oriental de l’Europe – depuis des siècles
La Pologne est aujourd’hui le pays clé du flanc oriental de l’OTAN, défenseur des frontières orientales de l’Union européenne et le refuge de centaines de milliers d’Ukrainiens fuyant l’agression russe. Ce n’est pas la première fois de l’histoire que nous sommes le bouclier de l’Europe.
Once again, we are Europe’s shield
Today, Poland is a key country on NATO’s eastern flank, a defender of the EU’s eastern borders and a haven for hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians who have fled Russian aggression.
Wroclaw’s Strength
The strength of Wroclaw lies in the convergence of different traditions and the ultimate success of the processes of social integration, ‘befriending’ the city and reconstructing it. It stems from the history of the post-war decades, the turning point of which were the Solidarity movement and the opposition activities of the martial law years.
La force de Wrocław
La force de Wrocław vient de cette rencontre de différentes expériences et du processus finalement réussi d’intégration sociale, d’apprivoisement de la ville et de sa reconstruction. Elle vient de l’histoire des décennies d’après-guerre où le tournant a été le syndicat Solidarité et l’action de l’opposition anticommuniste du temps de la loi martiale – écrit Marek MUTOR
Wrocław – A treasure chest that loses its gems
‘With Intel’s latest giant investment in the area, Wrocław has become a “treasure chest” for international business. At the same time, however, the city is losing “Polish gems”.
Wrocław is on a roll!
Today, the capital of Lower Silesia can feel lucky. But luck blesses those who seize its offers.
La Pologne, une nation qui a de quoi être fière
Les peuples sont en général encouragés à mettre en avant leurs réussites, les belles et grandes pages de leur histoire. Néanmoins, le progressisme ambiant empêche de plus les européens de faire valoir ce qui fait ou qui a fait leur gloire. La Pologne et les Polonais, par exemple, ont pourtant de quoi être fiers.
LOT aspires to continue to be the pride of Poles
LOT is a national carrier firmly entrenched in the public awareness of Poles. In the ‘Rzeczpospolita’ daily newspaper’s ranking of the most valuable Polish brands, it climbed to 17th place in 2018, from the bottom of the top 100 a few years earlier. In the Polish Radio ranking 'Lubię, bo polskie’, it was recognised as the best domestic brand of 2023. The company has already emerged from the stage of fighting for survival and is now striving to develop its market position.
Comment votent les différentes religions en France ?
Si les statistiques ethniques sont interdites en France, ce n’est pas le cas des statistiques confessionnelles. A chaque élection, des instituts de sondages analysent le vote des croyants. Les résultats indiquent de fortes disparités entre religions.
4 June 1989 – Solidarity's stunning victory
’What we had fought for, what we had believed in, often against all logic and in the face of grim circumstances, had come true, had been achieved, without violence, without bloodshed,’.
Le 4 juin 1989 – un triomphe de Solidarnosc
Ce pour quoi nous nous sommes battus, ce en quoi nous croyions, souvent contre la logique et contre des circonstances sinistres, est devenu réalité, s’est matérialisé à ce moment précis, sans violence, sans effusion de sang.
Junichi TADA
Discovering Chopin in Warsaw - My memories from the Chopin and His Europe Festival and the Second Chopin Competition on Period Instruments
Since the International Chopin Piano Competition in 2010, the 200th anniversary of Chopin’s birth, a gradual increase has been observed in the individual performances of Chopin’s works and changes in performance styles.
Israël fait partie de notre civilisation, il doit être défendu
On ne peut restreindre le destin de notre civilisation à la seule question du respect du droit et des règlements. L’exemple d’Israël en est le parfait exemple.
Fought for others, died for Poland
Eighty years ago, Polish troops seized Monte Cassino. In distant lands, they fought ‘for our freedom and yours.
Donald Trump est très prévisible
Dans le numéro 61 de „Wszystko co Najważniejsze”, nous avons publié des textes d’Anne APPLEBAUM („Trump va abandonner l’OTAN) et de Nicolas BAVEREZ („L’inquiétude pour la démocratie augmente”). Les élections aux États-Unis approchent et les sujets d’importance se multiplient, y compris concernant la securité de l’Europe Centrale, estime le professeur Guy MILLIÈRE dans un entretien avec Nathaniel GARSTECKA.
Dali n’était pas quelqu’un de banal !
Il est assez rare qu’un artiste inaugure de son vivant des musées qui lui sont dédiés, mais Dali n’était pas quelqu’un de banal !
Taking stock of the last two decades
Once we strip away the marketing rhetoric, it becomes evident that in the long run, all the countries in our region that have joined the EU and undertaken the necessary reforms are catching up with the West at a similar rate to Poland.
Le bilan des deux décennies
La perspective marketing mise de côté, nous ne pourrons qu’affirmer que la vérité est qu’à long terme, tous les pays de notre région qui ont rejoint l’UE et introduit des réformes nécessaires rattrapent l’Occident au même rythme que la Pologne.
Andrzej DUDA
Our goal should be to prevent crises
Our world is facing multiple global crises that have significant impact on infrastructure systems. Our goal should be to prevent crises, not just react to them.
The Katyn scar
In the spring of 1940, the Soviets exterminated the flower of the Polish intelligentsia without any legal proceedings. Today, the Russian authorities want to treat this crime as an ordinary offence subject to the statute of limitations.
Les Polonais, les Lituaniens, les Tchèques, les Lettons et toutes les nations d’Europe centrale avaient prévenu – cela finirait mal
Les comptes de chaque guerre doivent être soldés et leurs auteurs traduits devant la justice. Sinon, nous laisserons l’histoire se répéter sans en tirer une quelconque leçon.